Wednesday 19 August 2009

2009 AGM

I've been meaning to post a summary of what happened at the AGM last Monday, but I've been really busy at work over the last few weeks, so I've only just got round to it.

Many thanks to everyone who made the effort to attend the meeting.

Here is a summary of all the key points from the meeting:

1) The Treasurer reported the league had made a profit of £277.62 in the last year, this was due to a number of key factors:
  • All teams paying for 10 presentation tickets upfront at the beginning of the season
  • A very profitable raffle (thanks to Brian for his efforts)
  • Changing the type of trophies purchased for the presentation (savings were made, but we actually purchased more trophies!)
  • Income from Summer League player registrations
2) Officers for the league were elected as follows:
  • Chairman: Mark Johnson
  • Vice Chairman: Brian Rigby
  • Secretary: Keith Hickling
  • Treasurer: John Wragg
  • Results Secretary: Phyllis Pitman
3) Alterations to Rules
Everybody agreed to the Chairman's NEW re-written rules which incorporated the following additional points:
  • adding to rule 5 on how to separate teams in the event of them being level on both legs and points (This cropped up this year in the Dominoes League)
  • adding to point 9 about emailing or texting the chairman the results of fixtures by Thursday evening (currently being done in the Summer League), this will enable us to keep a slot in the BallsMania magazine and will also allow Mark to keep the league tables on the website up to date.
It was also agreed that we would change the latest time for starting a match from 9:00pm to 8:45pm (this will come into affect when the Winter League starts.

4) The next meeting was agreed to take place on 21st September 2009 at the Radcliffe Royal British Legion at 8:00pm

Monday 10 August 2009

Presentation Evening 2009

I have now uploaded a selection of photos from the annual presentation evening held on 25th July at the Radcliffe Royal British Legion.

I hope to add more photos in the near future...